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I don’t want all my company’s information to be made public

The only data we collect is related to the emissions generated by your business – nothing financial. You gain reputational credit if you’re honest and transparent about your carbon footprint, which is why it’s important to make all your data available.

I may have to pay for it, but See Through Carbon’s commercial rivals give me a lower carbon footprint. Even if it’s free, why would I want to admit responsibility for more emissions?

This gets to the heart of the flaw in the current system – Carbon Accounting 1.0’ – where market forces incentivize giving the lowest number at the lowest price, to the detriment of accuracy.

See Through Carbon is interested in both accuracy and reduction.

Your initial audit from us provides your baseline measurement – the starting point from which to measure carbon reduction. The bigger your baseline carbon footprint, the greater your margin for reduction. The critical thing is to apply the same, accurate standards to measuring both before and after. When you make demonstrable reductions, that is a strong and positive market signal.

Some of the information you want, like bar and merchandise sales, is commercially sensitive. What will you do with it?

Keep it between you and us. The data will only appear publicly in aggregate, anonymised form.