I’m busy and time is money – why should I participate in ‘Pilot 1 for Wiltshire SMEs’?
- Free ads: whatever your initial score, you’ll get 50 free ads in a Facebook Group that reaches 40% of your customers
- Free consultancy: we’re offering free bespoke advice from professional consultants that’s likely to significantly lower your costs and carbon footprint.
- Publicity: See Through News will provide positive press releases and a wide range of social media assets mentioning you as Pilot businesses.
- Unique pioneer: being first adopters will always give you a competitive advantage in your sector- there can only ever be one first adopter.
- Reputation: you’ll contribute towards an ambitious global project that could accelerate our path to a sustainable future.
I can see the advantages of a free carbon audit for our SME supply chain, but how will this help us with our Scope 3 reporting?
When they adopt See Through Carbon, SMEs can choose to share commercially sensitive information – like the share of sales that your multinational represents – with us, and give us permission to pass on your share of their emissions to you. On this revenue basis, we automatically calculate how much of each SME’s carbon liability to assign to you, and present you with an aggregate Scope 3 figure for however many SMEs in your supply chain have signed up, preserving their confidentiality.
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